

Saturday, January 28, 2012 - Angel may never know how many people worked so hard to give her a better life.  

We don't know how she ended up at the kill shelter in NC, but she was literally at the end, when rescue volunteers pulled her out, along with her best friend Willie, another great dog, who at some point in his life had lost one of his eyes.   They were both temporarily fostered together while transport was arranged.  

Mother Nature scrubbed the first attempt at transport for the two.   While arrangements were being made for a second attempt, foster mom decided to adopt Angel.   Meanwhile, one-eyed Willie made a midweek flight to Eleventh Hour Rescue in NJ.

When it was discovered that foster mom was planning on leaving Angel staked outside, the volunteers came to her rescue once again and Eleventh Hour Rescue agreed to take her.    

A last minute scramble to find pilots to make the journey paid off.   On Saturday, Jan 28, we were able to fly beautiful Angel to NJ.   We only hope that she can be reunited with her best friend Willie, and that they have the wonderful lives they deserve

It was a beautiful early morning flight to North Carolina.   Here Team Mutt Muffs Michele meets Angel, Jennifer and Betsy at KIXA, Roanoke Rapids, NC

Angel is so sweet.    For all she's been through, she is still so very loving and trusting.

PS:   if you notice the blue basket on the bench.....   It's full of treats.   Not the dog kind either.   Betsy and Jennifer brought this basket of goodies for the pilots!    Leg 2 pilot David noted that "It sometimes occurs to me that most pilots are a lot like dogs. Feed us, and we're loyal for life."

Time to get moving.   Michele gets Angel loaded in the back seat.   
Angel is ready to fly!

Leg 1 complete.

After great tailwinds, some preferential routing by dog-loving air traffic controllers, moderate turbulence and some testy crosswinds, we landed safely back at KDMW on schedule.

Here co-pilot Cheri and leg 2 pilot David, work to fix Angel's harness.

(Then we divvied up the basket of snacks!)

Leg 2 pilot David posing with the lovely Angel at KCDW, Caldwell, NJ

The little lady is finally in a safe place with new temporary foster people

Temp foster dad, Seamus immediately fell in love with this little girl

So many people, two airplane rides, and a bath!  That's a busy dog day.   

We'll never know for sure, but this may have been the first bath she's ever had.   

Angel poses with her new temporary mom Anja, whom she loves even after that bath thing.

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