My little Med-Alert Dog Allie is I believe the only "12th" service dog attending Seahawks games. Now that folks are used to seeing us and we made the national TV broadcast last season, we finally are able to just cheer the team. As you may recall, my Allie is with me at all times...I even groom her myself. That said, she attends New Years Fireworks, Seafair Parades (cannon, drum lines and all!) even IMAX films. With Mutt Muffs, she still reacts to sudden booms but not in a startled manner. It's been great to truly share my life with my girl and I have you to thank. I've coerced a local tattoo artist to sketch a Seahawks theme on each "can". Should be fun! we're both still recovering from trying to meander through the throngs of humanity at the victory celebrations! It's rarely about the sounds anymore, but just like with her human pack, sensory overload can still drain us both. Take care. From Beautiful Seattle Washington, Al M.